Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Database has a deprecated constructor in /home/cairomag/public_html/contnoticias/admin/core/controller/Database.php on line 2

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Lb has a deprecated constructor in /home/cairomag/public_html/contnoticias/core/controller/Lb.php on line 8

Deprecated: __autoload() is deprecated, use spl_autoload_register() instead in /home/cairomag/public_html/contnoticias/core/app/autoload.php on line 7
Sistema de Administraci贸n de Contenidos - GAMC
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; PostData has a deprecated constructor in /home/cairomag/public_html/contnoticias/admin/core/app/model/PostData.php on line 2


#饾懏饾拞饾挃饾挄饾拪贸饾拸饾應饾拹饾拸饾懝饾拞饾挃饾挅饾拲饾挄饾拏饾拝饾拹饾挃 FERIA DEPARTAMENTAL DEL TRUEQUE CAIROMA EMPRENDE Un 茅xito el 2 y 3 de mayo 2023. Lugar de recinto en la Provincia Loayza Capital Cairoma del Departamento de La Paz, La Feria del trueque N掳 26, donde productores agropecuarios mostraron su mejor producto de la regi贸n. La visita de la diferentes comunidades brillaron en el municipio de Cairoma. Gobierno Aut贸nomo Municipal De Cairoma 2021-2026

#饾懏饾拞饾挃饾挄饾拪贸饾拸饾應饾拹饾拸饾懝饾拞饾挃饾挅饾拲饾挄饾拏饾拝饾拹饾挃 FERIA DEPARTAMENTAL DEL TRUEQUE CAIROMA EMPRENDE Un 茅xito el 2 y 3 de mayo 2023. Lugar de recinto en la Provincia Loayza Capital Cairoma del Departamento de La Paz, La Feria del trueque N掳 26, donde productores agropecuarios mostraron su mejor producto de la regi贸n. La visita de la diferentes comunidades brillaron en el municipio de Cairoma. Gobierno Aut贸nomo Municipal De Cairoma 2021-2026

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; CategoryData has a deprecated constructor in /home/cairomag/public_html/contnoticias/admin/core/app/model/CategoryData.php on line 2
Actividades Del Municipio

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Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; CommentData has a deprecated constructor in /home/cairomag/public_html/contnoticias/admin/core/app/model/CommentData.php on line 2